Tuesday, 20 November 2018

An Exploration of the Human Face of WW1

Image courtesy Blind Veterans UK

Dr Nicola Gauld Coordinator for Voices of War and Peace: the Great War and its legacy (based in the Library of Birmingham) AHRC/HLF First World War Engagement Centres: connecting academic and public histories of the First World War and its Legacy, has accepted The Sound Agents proposal to talk at the Diversity & WW1 festival at the Midlands Art Centre in Birmingham on 22 & 23 March 2019 

The talk will be based on Dulce et Decorum Est public art installation installed on The Lycuem Grade II* listed building in Bold Street Liverpool 2014 to present and a new project: An Exploration of the Human Face of WW1 an installation of the Pantheon de la Guerre WW1 painting and memories of blind and visually impaired veterans. The Agents will be delivering workshops to record individual personal stories with peop
le who have had a comparable experience of losing their sight and of the rehabilitation procedures, therapies and techniques. 

By recording memories and experiences of blind and visually impaired veterans today,  the public will have a true understanding of the blind and visually impaired forgotten ones of WW1 and a comprehension of how the men rebuilt their lives and how their families were affected
