Film Screening plus panel discussionThursday 26 May, 7.30pm
A documentary film by The Sound Agents uncovering the hidden histories of musicians who attended Liverpool Art School from 1955 to 1980. From poets to punks, the film charts the significant impact the Arts has on Youth and Popular Culture. The film explores the role of Art Schools in this pivotal moment and in their larger role as free thinking and diverse environments for working class young people, providing an insight into the relationship between art and music.
The film will be followed by two panel discussions including members of iconic Liverpool bands It’s Immaterial, Deaf School and Yachts. Both panels will be chaired by Colin Fallows, artist, curator and Professor of Sound and Visual Arts at Liverpool John Moores University.
On the panels will be:
Al `Bluesman’ Peters (attended the Art School at the same time as John Lennon)
Steve Allen, Deaf School
John Wood, Deaf School’s Rev Max Ripple
Henry Priestman Albert Dock/Yachts/It's Immaterial
John Campbell Albert Dock/Yachts/It's Immaterial
Martin Dempsey Albert Dock/Yachts/It's Immaterial
All tickets £10, on sale Thursday 14 April